Codys shout out quiz

This is but a simple shout out quiz thing to show to those I love and trust most in a sense. My friends and all, I love you all. I hope you enjoy, AMD have a great time.

This is but a simple shout out quiz thing to show to those I love and trust most in a sense. My friends and all, I love you all. I hope you enjoy, AMD have a great time. Yes?

Created by: CamilaFan1997

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First up, of course, is my best friend in the world... Kalafina, AKA Koala! Its been nearly three years that I have known you, wow times flies, huh? I love you like a sister! I hope you have a happy life, and that you keep on smiling :)
  2. Next up is my friend MusedJade, AKA Blue-J. One of my first friends on this site Aand the one who helped me get a good grip of rping on here. You are my sister by heart as well :) forever and always in my memory, you are.
  3. Next up is... DracoMalfoyFan, AKA my lil padawan :) You are a good friend and someone good to talk with of course! I hope you grow up brilliantly, my friend. May the force be with you
  4. Next.... Dark22978, hope I got that right kitten lol. You are a wonderful person inside AMD out it seems. Brilliant in ways more than one, and open to all it seems. May you stay this way through and through, my dear.
  5. will be, they're not on here, but my best friend from Wattpad, MycMyc. She is a wonderful human being, and is funny as well. A good one to talk with, and a greater friend.
  6. Next up... Another old friend from Wattpad, Beatle. Even though I haven't talked with you in nearly a year. I miss you so, and hope you are alright. .
  7. Hmm next..._Sarjah_ even if I only rp with you. You are good at it and all, and seem like a wonderful person as well
  8. So! I hope you enjoyed this AMD that you have a wonderful day :)
  9. Two short...but I love you all, even if I don't know you! I. Love. You! You are not unloved! Remember that!
  10. Lastly...myself though, for i am me and he is i. I forever and grateful

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