Shout out quiz

I have been on GTQ for 7 months have made a lot of friends. So at the prodding of more than one of those friends, I decided to make a shout out quiz.

So here it is. I hope you all enjoy it! If you don't, well, you will be on my next one. But if you do, then you are obviously one of my friends! Enjoy.

Created by: Sphinx

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Scarlett (if you are still here) we've only known each other for 2 months but we're good friends
  2. Eve you're a good friend and good at role playing.
  3. Dream, you are cool and clever (I hope you pass the exams)
  4. Maddie, you're a great girlfriend, but we should talk more and be more active.
  5. Crystal, you're really nice to me and you live in the same city as me!
  6. Paige, you're a cool friend and I like talking to you.
  7. Kait, we should talk more often, but you're cool.
  8. Kish, your quizzes are awesome!
  9. Dark22978, you're an inspirational person and a good mod.
  10. That's it people

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