Clare Grant quiz

There are many sorts of people, but few true Clare Grants. Grantism is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a Clare Grant? A Clare Grant is someone who has an odd mind, is able to solve easy problems, and see the world through an entirely novel point of view.

Are you Clare Grant in disguise? This easy exam will test your Grantist way of life and make sure you are not affected. This is the original Clare Grant quiz.

Created by: Ed
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You stub your toe on a coffee table. Do you...
  2. You see a flower growing next to a weed. Do you...
  3. What is your favourite meal?
  4. You come across a fire in the woods. Do you...
  5. Who is your ideal man?
  6. Are you wise?
  7. Do you know what "lollyganging" means?
  8. Do you like the taste of Angostura Bitters?
  9. What is your favourite dance?
  10. How many times did you fail your driving test?

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