Body figure changing power RP

Welcome to our "body figure changing power" quiz. This quiz features a role-playing game genre with multiple choice questions. It does not take a lot of time. Hope you enjoy it!

You play as a slender girl / guy, you have been given the gift to change the shape of your body as you wish. Will you accept this gift? Can you control the power? All this is in our quiz. And remember that any body shape is perfect ;)

Created by: Woowie
  1. Hello my dear friend. First of all, choose the power with which you will go through the story.
  2. Fine. How would you change your forms?
  3. Well. How would you use your power?
  4. Super. What word would be your key?
  5. Great. How will your newfound power grow and evolve?
  6. Nice. What is the limit for your forms? Simply put, how big can you get?
  7. Not bad. What clothes would you grow up in?
  8. Okay. And if I could change your form right now, what would it be?
  9. The following questions will not affect the answer, they are just for talking. If you could become a superhero with your new power, what would your nickname be?
  10. Fine. What characteristics would you be good at?
  11. Let's go back to the questions that affect the answer. Who would know about your power?
  12. Great. Let's say you started to get bigger and you grew 10 times. But suddenly you realize that you will not be able to go back to the thin form, how would you feel?
  13. Well my dear friend. Now is the time to test your strength in a serious matter. Squads of criminals have taken the mayor of the city hostage and demand a ransom of millions of dollars. In the meantime, a decision is expected, the terrorists begin to destroy the city. So much chaos, destruction, catastrophes. You have an uphill battle ahead of you. How are you preparing?
  14. You managed to arrive at this place. The enemies have shown themselves. The battle begins.
  15. In the course of a long battle, you managed to win. Not a single person was killed. Now the mayor is unconscious. What are you going to do, our hero?
  16. So that's the end of our quiz. Surely you expect it to end, which will take place very soon. But what happened to your power? Will you lose her? Of course not! You will now retain your power forever and have the right to dispose of it yourself. And if you didn't have the power, you'll get it anyway. I hope you liked it ;)

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