Avatar the Last Airbender TRUE FAN Test | Comments

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  • I was expecting this quiz to be suuuper easy, but luckily the question where actually pretty hard. I have watched the series 16 times and I got a 93%. So overall this is a good quiz. I highly recommend it. And credit to the creator!

  • A pretty good quiz overall, however, for the question Who was Sokkas first love?, I feel as though the answer would be Yue. Sokka and Suki sharing a quick, small kiss, blushing, and then immediately saying goodbye isnt really enough to say they fell in love, more so a crush. However with Yue, he spent a lot of time and seemed to really be in love with her, as was she. Honestly that one doesnt really have a definitive answer. And then, for How many tattoos does Aang have? He really only has 1, not 5. His singular tattoo is continuous, extending to the end of each of his limbs and of course, his forehead. You can see this throughout the series, probably the best being the finale when he battles Ozai. While yes, it has five ending points, theyre not really separate tattoos. Anyways thats just my over-analyzing feedback for you. Good quiz nonetheless!


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