Avatar the Last Airbender TRUE FAN Test

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There are many Avatards in the world. are you one of them?! take this quiz to see how avatarded you are! So prove it to yourself and to us if you're a die hard Avatard

Avatards should be proud to call themselves that. are you proud of your avatar status? take this test and see! A true Avatar the last airbender test that goes into depth

Created by: Firelord Izumi
  1. What is Zhao's ranking in the very beginning of Book 1: Water?
  2. Who is Sokka & Katara's father?
  3. Who is Zuko & Azula's mother?
  4. What temple did Aang hail from?
  5. What bender is also skilled with a weapon when they cannot use their bending
  6. Who is the greatest Earthbender of all time?
  7. Which character, besides Aang, is also able to Meditate into the spirit world?
  8. who said this "you must look in yourself to save yourself from your other self, only then will your true self reveal itself"
  9. Who was Aangs first firebending teacher?
  10. Who is Avatar Roku's animal guide?
  11. Where were Bato, Hakoda and the rest of the southern tribe stationed when Sokka went to join them?
  12. How does Toph show affection?
  13. Who did avatar Kyoshi kill?
  14. Which Avatar created the Dai Li?
  15. "I am Won She Tong he who knows....."
  16. When do firebenders lose their power?
  17. Who is the non bender in the group?
  18. Who gave Katara her infamous betrothel necklace?
  19. Who are the most peaceful benders?
  20. which Firelord started the war?
  21. Whose the best person to go to if you're injured?
  22. What remedy did Aang find when Sokka and Katara were sick
  23. Who was Sokkas first love
  24. How many Arrows does Aang have tattooed on his body?
  25. What does Appa hate?
  26. What secret civilization did Aang & Zuko find?
  27. Who are the original firebenders?

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