Are you UGLY???

This quiz will reveal the truth about your good (or bad looks) no matter what anybody else says. it will tell you if you are pretty or ugly but dont be affended,after all you decided to take the quiz.

The question in would like to be answerd is 'Am i ugly' and many pepole would like to know that too. So i have cleverly invented a quiz that will tell us just that. please enjoy.(it took me 1 hour)

Created by: Charliejade
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Couler is your hair?
  2. Be honest,are you overweight?
  3. What style is your hair?
  4. What would you wear for a school disco?
  5. What couler are your eyes
  6. What couler is your skin?
  7. Are you freckalie or zitty?
  8. Are you lankey?(Tall)
  9. What shoe size are you?
  10. How big is your nose on a scale of 1-10?
  11. Are you confident about what you look like?

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Quiz topic: Am I UGLY???