are you truly extremely random??

ther r lots of ppl hoo r RANDOM!!!! but wat is random? random is totally insane and coocoo ( like me wen i eat lots of candy!!!)and wen it comes to humor thts all they talk about for a long time!

r u a random person o awesomness??? do have wat it takes to be a master of the randomly awesomeness ppl's?? take this quiz and this one b cuz all the other quizez r boring take it now if u want to knoe how truly awesomely random u r!!!!!!

Created by: snoopy rules

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is random to u???
  2. wat is the first thing u do if someone tackles u
  3. barney jumps out from the TV just after u insulted him. wat u do???
  4. wat does qwertydertmooer meen?
  5. r u bored of this quiz?????
  6. wat ur fav candy?
  7. do u fall asleep wen u in scool??
  8. wat out of these wood be ur catch phrase?
  9. if u were hunting down some kid hoo u like to pick on. wat woud u use to attac??
  10. do u think u r random??? ( this not count for score i just need 2 more question)
  11. was this quiz randomly awesome!!!???( this count for score so gimme good)

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Quiz topic: Am I truly extremely random??