Are you stupid?

There are many stupid people out there. But few know how stupid they really are. What is a stoopy you ask? a stoopy is someone who thinks differently or does dumb things.

Are you stupid? Do you do dumb things like dump salt in to your eyes just to see what will happen? Thanks to this great quiz you can find out how stupid you are so you know, just incase.

Created by: Mal
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What does 2+2 equal?
  2. Have you ever eaten the lead out of a green colored pencil while chewing gum?
  3. How do you spell the word thermometer?
  4. Do you collect raspberry chewing gum?
  5. how many inches are in 2 inches?
  6. What weighs more: one thousond lbs of feathers or one thousand lbs of bricks?
  7. If you had a chance would you eat super glue?
  8. If you have two red folders how many blue folders do you have?
  9. If some one tried to make you cry would you.
  10. If your sister is 12 and your her twin, how old are you?

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Quiz topic: Am I stupid?