Are you strange or normal?

This quiz is to find out wheather you are normal, normal-ish, boring or completely strange. so come here to find out exactly wheather you fit in to one of these categories.

Are you normal, are you strange/ have you been wanting to find it out for a long time, well you are in for a real treat with this quiz! Discovwer your answer!

Created by: starristar
  1. Would you say you are normal, strange or boring.
  2. What is your fave colour out of the options below?
  3. Do you snort water through your nose and then squirt it back out agin pretending to be an elephant?
  4. Do you belive In Unicorns? (I do :-D)
  5. Do you have an imaginary freind?
  6. Is it your lives ambition to be a children's entertainer?
  7. Pick one of the following...
  8. What is your fave out of...
  9. Chickens are cool?
  10. Did you like this Quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I strange or normal?