Are you randomly random?

Most people think they're random ,but they're just steriotypes.Who cares.Tests and no fun equals a person who has no life whats so ever.You see,I'm a random person.

Well,the question is are YOU random?Do you have the randomly epic awesome random powers that can pass this quiz?Remember,be truthful or Weege will find you.

Created by: cookiemonster
  1. First question,what is randomness?
  2. What's the first random thing in your head?
  3. Can you help me up?
  4. I'm listening to Brick by Boring Brick by Paramore.Do you like them?
  5. How bout Skillet
  6. How bout the gummy bear?
  7. How bout emo music?
  8. Do you like Likin Park and those bands on Rockband(All of them)
  9. Omg wut number are we On?
  10. last one,do you leek spin and/or carmel dance?

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Quiz topic: Am I randomly random?