are you perfect for me?

this quiz is ONLY for BOYS,let's check it whether we can be a good couple or not, either you win or lose it's not a matter but be brave to take it...i guess you are ready now??then what are you waitting for...?

"anyone can catch your eyes but it takes someone really special to capture your heart?" do u think that you are the one? let me check whether you will be the one for me or's totally fun! fun! fun! only *^_^*

Created by: fairy fly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how to describe yourself?
  2. do you have a girlfriend?
  3. you enjoys..,
  4. if you meet me..
  5. you are very much naughty,am i correct?
  6. do u believe in love at first sight?
  7. what do u mean by love?
  8. how do u look like?
  9. what makes others to talk with you?
  10. if i say "you are not perfect" will it hurt you?

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Quiz topic: Am I perfect for me?