Who Is Your Perfect Puggle Match

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You have seen our adoptable puggles but you aren't sure which one might be the right match for you. Take our quiz and see who your perfect match is. You may be surprised by the results.

Lexi or Jack? Male or female? Puppy or senior? Take this short quiz to see what adoptable puggle is your perfect match. Then schedule an appointment to meet your perfect match.

Created by: Arizona Puggle Rescue
  1. On a perfect Saturday would you rather...
  2. Your ideal vacation spot is?
  3. Your favorite color is?
  4. Your perfect pet would?
  5. Ideal age of a dog would be?
  6. Your favorite food is?
  7. You drive a ?
  8. The best trait in your partner is?
  9. You are ?
  10. How much walking do you do in a week?

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Quiz topic: Who Is my Perfect Puggle Match