Are you one a plane to hell?

It askes you questions to find out how much you put other people before yourself.some people put everyone before them some dont find out wich one you are.

Are you one of the people who got themselves first class tickects to hell, or are one of the people who well never make it? only you can know the true asnwer to that but this quiz can help.

Created by: tammie

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many people have you slept with at work?
  2. Have you ever cheated on you boy/girl friend
  3. Have you ever said i love you just to get laid?
  4. Have you ever slept with someone and broke up with them the next day?
  5. Have you ever broke it off with someone just to sleep with someone else?
  6. Have you ever slept with your friends ex or wanted to sleep with them?
  7. would you ever sleep with your ex's friends?
  8. would you sleep with a person because they begged you too?
  9. would you sleep with your brother or sisters boy/girlfriend if they asked?
  10. Would you be the "other" woman/man?

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Quiz topic: Am I one a plane to hell?