what fighter plane are you?

have you ever wondered, if you held some serious fire-power in your hands, hat would be your way of abusing it? lets see.. you can be the stealthy F22 or F35, the agile and fast SU37, the over-armed F15, or the nooby MIG 21

see what your favourite plane is, and its massive ordinance! basically, at this point, im just trying to fill out some room on this so the quiz shows up.

Created by: alex
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you value the most?
  2. bullets, missiles, or bombs?
  3. how fast?
  4. leg room? (how big)
  5. you shot someone down, you...
  6. you get shot down, your excuse is...
  7. how was this quiz? its my first. no effect on outcome.
  8. Mcain or obama? no effect.
  9. plane preferance?
  10. M&M's or skittles?

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Quiz topic: What fighter plane am I?