Are You Like Me?

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It's half past ten at night and you're bored? What's the best thing to do? Obviously my mind said I should create a quiz on this website. So I did. Not many people will probably be interested in this quiz but I thought I'd make it anyway. It will only make my a higher rank anyway so why not?

I'm not sure why I have to write this. One should be enough. And even then that one has to have more than needed. Oh well. It's obvious what this quiz is about. Just answer the questions and you can see how similar you are to me. Maybe we'll have a lot in common or maybe we'll be like north and south. Who knows? Yeah you should probably just take the quiz already...

Created by: NoEyedWatcher

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First, I have to ask the colour question. What's your favourite out of these?
  2. Which of these scare you the most?
  3. Which of these is most similar to the music you prefer?
  4. Which would you rather do?
  5. What about these?
  6. Star sign?
  7. Thoughts on anime and manga?
  8. Which of these would you rather read? (Or enjoyed the most if you read them already)
  9. Pick a number
  10. And last of all, how are you feeling right now?

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Quiz topic: Am I Like Me?