Are you fat quiz quick easy fun

I made this quiz because I’m a bit fat and want to see I feel other people are fat like me because I’m my opinion all body shapes are beautifully different but 20 percent body fat so a bit fat is beautiful I’m my opinion so let’s see if I’m my opinion you have a beautiful body shape

Well I had to right two paragraphs and this is the second one so just burning some letters here hum hum hum oh look at that beautiful bird just like a 20 percent body fat person oh why look at the time it’s time for an am I fat quiz

Created by: Utterbutter
  1. How old are you
  2. How much do you weigh
  3. Lean over how many rolls of fat do you have
  4. Slap you stomach or jiggle it around how much does it jiggle
  5. How big are your man boobs or boobs
  6. Slap or jiggle your nipple or boob how long does it jiggle
  7. Lie down back down what do you see
  8. Jiggle your thigh how long does it jiggle
  9. Can you see your ribs
  10. Did you enjoy the quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I fat quiz quick easy fun

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