Are You an Individualist? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You an Individualist?

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  • HERE'S THE KEY ....
    The real test, is if/how you comment.
    Are you pissed off?
    Obsessed with understanding scoring?

    While desire to understand "why" is human, being controlled physically or mentally when you DON'T, is like waiving a RED FLAG letting evil people with bad intentions know that you're a p---- who can be easily controlled.

    "Indoctrination" = "mind control" = "weak will" = "emotionally immature"

    Once you see the connection something will, or "should" click.

    "Should" being the key operative word here to decide for yourself if you passed.

    Sophia Wisdom
  • That there's no way to see how quiz is judged is 100% proof that the very action of taking it to see "how indoctrinated you are" is ... wait for it ... INDOCTRINATION!

    So clever. I absolutely LOVE it.
    3 thumbs up!

    Sophia Wisdom
  • These collectivist hiveminders need to quit complaining about this piece of art. Socialism inherently makes you a bad person the same way being a Nazi does, just to a lesser degree.

  • 11%

    I'm so proud to be a committed Jacobin Socialist.

    All power to the people!

  • This is probably the worst quiz I've ever taken. It tests you on how well you conform to the doctrines of the quiz maker's specific political views, and if it doesn't think you did well enough it literally tells you, "You're completely irredeemable as a human being; that's assuming you've the effrontery to call yourself one."

    Individual ism and collectivism are just about whether you consider the individual or the group the fundamental unit. It's hard to see what that has to do with thinking terrorists are best dealt with by killing them, or that public education is indoctrination. Or that Democrats are "socialists or outright communists" (which is ridiculous anyway every socialist/Marxist I've ever met hates the Democratic Party with a passion.)

    Give me a freaking break.

  • 55%

  • 55%

  • 34%, i know a little about political problems and situations this country is facing, like me!

  • 12%, as a democratic socialist I proudly agree

  • You are 0% Individualist

    You don't have an individualist bone in your whole body. You're a collectivist through and through. You either think that others owe you a living, or, you believe that you hold the path to enlightenment -- either materially or spiritually -- and you're willing to impose it upon society as a whole, through force, at any cost. There's no hope for you whatsoever. You're completely irredeemable as a human being; that's assuming you've the effrontery to call yourself one.

    Yep, that sums it up pretty well (Sarcasm). I'm actually a socialist, though, so I shouldn't be surprised.

  • Not exactly the most accurate quiz. As an Objectivist, I got 67%. You're probably another Constitution worshiper.

  • My verdict: 'There's no hope for you whatsoever. You're completely irredeemable as a human being; that's assuming you've the effrontery to call yourself one'.

    LOL I can't believe whoever wrote this quiz! Also thank god I don't have to meet them! Agree with the person below who said it would be better titled 'how selfish are you?' sometimes I wonder if there's any chance at all for humanity given how rife crazy republican views are in America. So glad I don't live there but also sorry for the decent democrats who do.

  • The biggest problem with this quiz it it assumes that having any amount of concern or compassion toward other human beings is incompatible with individuality. Strictly speaking, that's not even relevant to any definition of individuality. Then, of course, whether or not one values social contracts may or may not be relevant, given your definition of individuality. In short, the quiz would only be titled accurately if it was "How Objectivist/Selfish Are You?"

  • I hope the author of this quiz appreciates the irony of claiming that one has to hold his or her exact opinions to be an individualist.

  • I hope the author of this quiz appreciates the irony of claiming that one has to hold his or her exact opinions to be an individualist.

  • I was a bit upset with a 19% rating until I read the comments and realized that the author of the quiz defined Individualist under Objectivist dimensions. Perhaps John Galt might have done better. Hmmm, but its my fault really, just taking the quiz was silly as no one can measure someone elses individualism. Duh...

  • I was a bit upset with a 19% rating until I read the comments and realized that the author of the quiz defined Individualist under Objectivist dimensions. Perhaps John Galt might have done better� Hmmm, but it�s my fault really, just taking the quiz was silly as no one can measure someone else�s individualism. Duh...

  • 0% "individualist"

    I' ve been taking a lot of political quizzes lately.

    So far, it seems as if every single quiz where it is possible is resulting in a threeway tie between Communist, Socialist, and Democrat.

    I've also taken the Political Spectrum Quiz.
    I got moderate. Which I like.

  • haha, this is pretty off.

  • boooo you suck!

  • 16% individualist. I am a socialist and an atheist. Are you trying to tell me that this is not individual in America? Get real. I retook the quiz and made my answers more conservative and scored a 94%. Conservatism is, by nature, the opposite of individualism. Your quiz and political philosophy is fundamentally flawed.

  • This quiz(and many others) are so biased. The only quiz of this type that is actually fairly accurate is found at:www.theadvocates .org/quiz.html

    I recommend it highly.

  • This is ridiculous. being more of an individualist does not make you more of a human.

  • This isn't individualism.

    No one is individualist if they claim to be individualist.

    And sometimes conforming is okay. Isn't it possible for individualists to like a few conformist movements if they appeal to his/or her "individual" beliefs?

    This quiz is pretty irrelevant actually. It's based on the author's opinion. Don't take your answers seriously.

  • I bet you're a big Ayn Rand fan, aren't you? You know, caring about the human race and your effect on it doesn't make you a follower, you friggin philistine.


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