Are you a therian?

This test won't tell you for sure that you're a therian! if it says you might, do your research to see if you're a Therian. if it says you're not, then still do some research!

Remember that this won't be totally accurate! You should still do some research! Anyway, a therian is someone who spiritually thinks they're an animal, or were an animal in their past life.

Created by: GeodeDragons
  1. Do you feel a deep connection to a certain habitat? (Examples: Beach, Forest, Etc.)
  2. Have you ever imagined having a body part that an animal has? (Like a tail)
  3. Have you ever felt tempted to do something weird for a human but normal for an animal? (As of going to the woods and hunting for prey)
  4. Do your thoughts feel more animalistic than human?
  5. When you dream, do you take the role of a certain animal?
  6. Do you experience any shifts? (when you have experiences that cause you to feel more like your theriotype in a non-physical manner)
  7. Have your physical senses ever felt like animals? (Like your smell is stronger than a human's)
  8. Do you ever feel jealous that you can't live as a certain animal?
  9. Do you ever feel tempted to express yourself with animal sounds?
  10. Lastly, do you think you will be a therian? (Won't affect your score.)

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian?
