Are you truly a therian?

Yes, there are many people that are therians, and you might be one of them! To be sure, do some research, and take this quiz, even tho it doesn’t tell much. Just if youd really want to know more, then take this quiz!

Are you a therian? Take this quiz and find out! You have to know if you’re a therian, because if you wouldn’t know, and you might be one, all your life would be a lie! So go on! Take this quiz!

Created by: Therian_shimmer
  1. Which of the following places do you feel like you relate the most?
  2. Why did you come here?
  3. Do you feel a connection to a specific animal? (Or more)
  4. Do you know what shifts are?
  5. Do you believe you’re an animal on a non-physical level?
  6. Do you at least know what a therian is?
  7. How would you rate this quiz, from 1-America? This isn’t gonna mess with your score
  8. Do you suffer from autism or ADHD?
  9. Are you honest with me?
  10. Have you ever felt like you were an animal in your past life?
  11. This is the last question. Do you feel like a therian?

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Quiz topic: Am I truly a therian?