are you a pilot

Are you smart enough to take and pass this test try it and we will see just how smart you are when it comes to airplanes remember to study you may need it if you take this test there are some answeres that may puzzel you.

If you keep trying you may gain enough brain poewr to solve this factual little quiz keep trying and you may get it if you pass this test you may qualify to be able to someday fly an airplane it is a very exciting hoby.

Created by: john

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  1. prior to taking off what is the most important thing to do?
  2. After you have started the airplane what do you do prior to take off.
  3. When you take off what do you do if you hear the stall warning
  4. While you are in the air how do you turn left.
  5. How does the airplane take off
  6. If your nav beacon line in the airplane moves from one side of the instrument to the other what does that mean.
  7. If your nav beacon line in the airplane moves from one side of the instrument to the other what does that mean.
  8. Wile landing what does feathering mean.
  9. What do the numbers at the ends of the runways represent
  10. Who is the person authorized to work on an airplane.

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Quiz topic: Am I a pilot