are you a follower or a leader?

I wanted to make this quiz to help people see who they really are and help them improve on it. so which are you A follower or a leader? YOU decide. just doing the random lettters to get to 150 letters. nihggtyuvihg99486897w89mf8t9y209mgy89630u89y5v78t03ucnfgnfgjfkbgkjsdhtiryitbrukfbi5ung6unvyuhguirhgvuryvgfrtu3vih5ujbncitgireowc

Are YOU who you think you really are! now you can find out. just doing the random letters to reach 150 letters. ingkfdlvjsnfmjhddcjkwbchfjk;nbmxjkfdhwjchrjkgtvrnykgnekrhnvtghjgjkrhfjkanxmdmhejgctrjgfrnmcxyghbefuywtqr73t6556fbgtjnrgcjhgjgfwc

Created by: andrea
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. the new in thing is aeropostale you:
  2. are you a part of the popular crew?
  3. how many friends do you have?
  4. do you care about your apperance?
  5. do wear makeup?
  6. do you feel confident about your clothes?
  7. have you ever worn something (Ex. a key around your neck) and people have copied you?
  8. do you feel cofident about your looks?
  9. You find a cute guy but the popular girl syas he is hers. But YOU saw him first.You get into A huge fight What do you do:
  10. the popular girls start making fun of some one. What do you do?
  11. whoever picked the ;ast answer for question 12, I dont like you
  12. I hope you liked this quiz. And I hope your results reflect who you really are. Thx for taking this quiz.

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Quiz topic: Am I a follower or a leader?