Anatomy Review - Part Two

There are many smart peope, but Wow. Okay, you need to re-read the powerpoints and re-take this quiz until you know all of it! DUH! You can't just sit there! Quit playing games, and GO GO GO!

=\ why? Khralil says: the house I'm in is up for sail Khralil says: sale* Spaz. says: Why!?! Khralil says: cuz they want to sell the house so need to find a new place. Spaz. says: =\ so you need to too

Created by: Susan
  1. The ___ ___ lines the walls of the abdominopelvic cavity
  2. The __ ___ covers the heart
  3. Lateral means...
  4. Superior means...
  5. Inferior means...
  6. Anterior means...
  7. Posterior means...
  8. Deep means...
  9. Midal means...
  10. Proximal means...
  11. Superficial means...
  12. Distal means...
  13. A cut that divides the body into superior and inferior sections is a ....
  14. A cut across *horizontal* an organ
  15. An angular cut across an organ is a...
  16. A cut that divides the body into anterior and posterior sections is a...
  17. A lengthwise cut across an organ is a...
  18. A lengthwise cut that divides the body into left and right portions is a...
  19. How many regions in the abdominal region are there?
  20. The upper middle region of the abdominal regions
  21. The lower middle region of the abdominal regions
  22. Each side of the epigastric region
  23. Each side of the umbilical region
  24. Left/Right Iliac...
  25. Umbilical
  26. The Skin & Accessory Organs (Hair, Nails, Sweat, & Sebaceous Glands) are part of this system...
  27. The membranes that line body cavities and lack openings to the outside are called...
  28. The membranes that form inner linings of joint cavities between ends of freely movable joints are called...
  29. The membranes that line the cavities and tubes that open to the outside are called...
  30. The oral and nasal cavities are examples of which membranes?
  31. The Parietal Pleura & Peritoneum are examples of which membrane?
  32. Which membrane consists of squamous epithelium?
  33. Which membrane has cells that secrete serous fluid?
  34. Which membrane consists of epithelium over a layer of loose connective tissue which special cells that secrete mucous?
  35. Which membrane consists of fibrous connective tissue overlying loose connective tissue and adipose tissue?
  36. Which Membrane has cells that secrete synovial fluid?
  37. Which of the following can be defined as a fluid that lubricates the surface of a membrane?
  38. Adipose tissue is best defined as...
  39. Which membrane is best defined as Skin?
  40. Which fluid is thick and colorless?

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