Am I Star Quality?

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Do you think that you can be a star? Instead of going to a big website that is super complicated!

Come on this Quiz, You won't regret it!

Created by: Phoebe.H
  1. What is you favourite thing to do in your spare time?
  2. Do you like Drama, Choir, Dance etc?
  3. Do you have any friends? On a scale from I to 10. How would you rate yourself?
  4. Can you sing and Dance at the same time?
  5. Do you take singing, Acting or dance lessons?
  6. What do want to be known for?
  7. What are you good at?
  8. Why are you doing this quiz?
  9. Are you planning to become famous?
  10. If you become famous are you going to do scary things in TV shows and Movies?

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