{Fearless Part 3} | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz {Fearless Part 3}.

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  • Hehe, loved my name on there, funny series, Katana's brother is mine,lol, haha, but i'm happy for Katana and Gabe, Poof Noooo (why does Poof remind me of fairy odd parents XD)

  • :O! Poof D: And he was so cute with his new girlfriend... oh I like how you put in Katana and Gabriel X3 they are cute aren't they? XD Speaking of that, I like how you put all those people in and I was included at the party ^^ And mango ice cream... yummy :D

  • I love this!! Me and Gabe are in it!!! I luv you guys!!! And Tyler is so not hot. He's my brother. He does have abs though, but that's only cause I make him carry my stuff around everywhere.

  • Haha ok ya like this part 3, yea I know part three was funny!! It wasn't serious at all! :p but you know me I am sooo not serious !! :D

  • POOF NOOOOOO!!!!! D':

  • Woot! I was at the party, and I spoke words! o.o COOL! *serious time* NOOOOOOOOO POOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!


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