Zombie Uprising

Do you have what it takes to make it to the Extraction pint before a horrible beastie catches you? Time to find out. Conquer the Zombie Uprising And lead your friends to safety!

In just a few minutes you can find out what would happen in the owrst case scenario for Zombie Uprisings. DONT GET BIT This is a great Zombie sim. Lead the fight against the infection.

Created by: kris
  1. One day you were watching Tv when a report of a new virus came on. It was spreading fast. Then a knock from your door said that the military came to get you out of there. You...
  2. A few hours later, you doze off. You awake to gunfire and a militry man shaking you. "Get up man! We gotta get out of here now!"
  3. You two ran as far as your legs could carry you. But now its getting dark. You need a place to hole up.
  4. As you enter, a beautiful woman looks at you and smiles, she waves you over. You look at the Soldier, hes talking to the leader of the group. She wispers to you. "It's been awhile, wanna head back to my room?"
  5. "Busy last night? I bet so. Anyway. We gotta move. Theres a fort we gotta get to for Extract." What do you do?
  6. After hours and hours of walking without any sign of infected, you let your guard down. To bad. An infected jumps on the soldier. "Get out of there!!!" the girl says.
  7. Getting dark. Too dark. Swarms of infected run to eat you. What do you do?
  8. You survive till morning and keep moving. A sign says "Fort Freedom Ahead 75 miles" and another sign. "Freedom OVERRUN Turn BACK new evac site: Xavier Mall."
  9. A week later. You arrive at what is left of Fort Freedom. Oh no. Shoulda followed the sign. No matter, gotta be a two way radio in there somwhere.
  10. They say a helicopter is on the way to evac whats left of freedom. Infected in the hundreds are coming your way. You had the most experiance out of the surviving 10 Marines, the girl, and yourself. You
  11. 30 minutes to go. And you lost no one. Spoken to soon. They overran the turrets. You decide to...
  12. 30 min later. The heli arrived. After you made sure all the survivors got on the Helicopter. you ran over to the chopper. Too late! An infected grabbed ahold of you. No you almost got bit! the girl put a bullet in his head.
  13. A loud defeaning roar got your attention. "The hell is that???" a huge monster comes out of nowhere and grabs your chopper. You..

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