Will you survive a zombie outbreak

If the zombies do break out make sure that you know just how long that you will survive. Quiz yourself and get ready for the horde. Learn about zombies and yourself. Are you a zombie and gun expert?

ARE YOU, A ZOMBIE EXPERT? ARE YOU A GUN EXPERT? Well you'd best better find out BEFORE that zombie apocolipse arrives. Are you gonna die right away walking what's left of your home as an undead corpes?

Created by: Sean

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How tall are you?
  2. Do you have any military/police training
  3. Which is a shotgun?
  4. What experience do you have with guns?
  5. Which melee weapon is best?
  6. You come across a group of survivors, what do you do?
  7. If an infection comes where do you go?
  8. Your friend was bitten you..
  9. Which is your chioce of weapon?
  10. Why do zombies moan?
  11. Zombies breath.
  12. How do you become infected?
  13. Last question: You were bitten what do you do?
  14. No this is the last: How do you kill a zombie

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Quiz topic: Will I survive a zombie outbreak