Zombie Survival quiz

Do you think that you have a chance of survival if zombies come into this world and destroy all traces of civilization and order. Do you know all about zombies?

Well try the zombie survival quiz, this quiz will test you on your physical stature, knowledge on zombies, morale, war tactics, and last but not least, anti-zombie tactics

Created by: zombie hunter
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Physical question: what best describes you
  2. Physical question: How often do you do any physical activity a week.
  3. Physical question: Do you have any health conditions
  4. Physical question: do you have experience with firearms?
  5. Physical question: Do you have experience in close combat
  6. How many of the following skills do you know or plan to learn: farming, first-aid, using a boat, using a plane, using complex machinery, construction, architecture, wilderness survival
  7. Enough about you, let's talk about zombies. How do you kill a zombie.
  8. Let's talk about preparedness. How many rations of canned food and water do you have
  9. Do you have a garden of any EDIBLE plant, how big is it.
  10. Do you have any weapons?
  11. What is the first thing you will do when your workplace is surrounded by zombies
  12. Let's say you are in a office, which isn't yet overrun, but in a state of chaos. You see the following items that look useful against the zombies outside: a pencil, a pen, a ruler, a scissor. Which is the best improvised weapon.
  13. How do you fight a zombie unarmed
  14. You manage to get in the exit of your workplace (with your weapon). (Assuming it's an office) You see the security team fighting a losing battle against a horde of undead. You see a fallen man's pistol. What is your next action
  15. You are in the crowded streets in front of your workplace (with your weapon). You see people either fighting or fleeing the infected. Police teams desperately fighting off hordes of infected. What is your next task.
  16. What kind of place do you live in.
  17. How many people do you want to have in your group. (consider supplies, morale, and efficiency)
  18. Back to theoretical questions. After a hard day, your group manage to survive, and manage to find a base. No zombies are onto you, but you can hear moans and screams in the neighborhood. What will you do first.
  19. Another theoretical question. What will you do during the first night.
  20. Several days later, you scavenge around a house and find the following tools, which is best. (consider combat and it's original use)
  21. What is the best way to fortify your base
  22. Is it best to travel lightly or heavily
  23. Which gun is best
  24. What is the best secondary weapon.
  25. Is it better to fight close or long range
  26. What is the best way to dispose of a zombie corpse
  27. What is most important. (there is no correct answer)

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