zombie survival

God typing these para graphs suck I mean each WHAT THE HELL KINDA QUIZ IS THIS I MEAN FOR F****** REAL GOD D***** SON OF A B********** ok this really sucks the quizzez require you to type a lot and if you meteinon the nunmber They dont count the paragraph you have to start over

This realy sucks i maean if you havent created a quiz on this website just dont it takes way to freakin long and clo9ud be used way simpler i mean GOD D******

Created by: legend
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you have any fighting experiance at all
  2. You find weapons on the street but you can only carry one which one is it.
  3. could you make a weapon out of house hold items such as mlotovs or home made knives
  4. There are zombies around your house you
  5. REd Green BLue Yellow BLuie green Purple
  6. Was the last qustieon confuzzleing
  7. OH MY GOD what would you say after this phrasie
  9. you find a car what is it
  10. 3+3

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