Zombie Scenario Quiz

There sometimes are zombie apocalypses that you must prepare for, so use this scenario quiz to test your witz and skills to survive the ultimate zombie rampage!!!!!

will You survive the zombie rampage? this test will find out if you will become a lean mean killing machine, or the person the others use as zombie bait.

Created by: robert
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your gender?
  2. what is your physical shape?
  3. do you own any weapons
  4. do you own any vehicles
  5. do you have any canned goods?
  6. where do u live?
  7. you wake up, turn on the tv and there is a report to evacuate the city due to the high elevation in murders throgh out the (place that you live)you;
  8. you see that the window is broken, the door is knocked off of its hinges, and there are bloody footprints all over the carpet. you;
  9. you drive around and find some people running from a pack of zombies. you;
  10. you drive by a grocery store that looks empty,you;
  11. you see a small group of people working on a car, you;
  12. its getting dark, you;
  13. you find yourself in a situation where its either you or friend for zom bie food. you;
  14. you reach a hospital that looks silent, you;
  15. you find an abandoned helicopter, it has a full tank of gas. you;
  16. you reach the evac zone, and no one is there you;

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