zombie invasion survival quiz

Anyone can fight zombies but would they survive? Would you even kill a zombie? Maybe kill a few? Take out thousands of zombies in a fiery explosion?

Do you have what it takes to survive? Can you shotgun a zombie in the head, or know what it eats? Would you get a group of survivors to follow you? Only a few would, are you one of those few?

Created by: John smith

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How strong are you?
  2. How good are you with a gun?
  3. What is the best zombie game?/mode
  4. How fast can you run
  5. What do zombies eat?
  6. Can you swim
  7. Were do zombies sleep
  8. A hoard of zombies is coming at you, you have 50 shots left in your shotgun and your partners are running away except for one guy who has no ammo what do you do.
  9. Where do you live
  10. What is the best way to kill a zombie
  11. What fighting styles do you know?
  12. Can zombies use guns?
  13. Finally when all humans are gone what do zombies do?

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