Zombie Apocalypse Survival

There may be people who think they could survive a zombie apocalypse, but are they telling the truth? Find out now and take this quiz. Many may die and few shall survive the apocalypse.

Weapons may protect you and are powerful, but your intelligence is also another key ingredient to survival. Should you help that person? What if he's just using you? You never can trust anyone.

Created by: Zaure
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where would you go the day the apocalypse begins? (Within a mile radius)
  2. Do you know how to operate a firearm?
  3. Where are armed weapons you could get to the quickest?
  4. Do you have enough food, water, and shelter to survive?
  5. Twenty zombies have you surrounded. You have a assault rifle with 10 bullets left and a grenade. What do you do?
  6. How accurate on a scale of one out of ten are you with a weapon?
  7. Your best friend is turning into a zombie and there is no way to stop it from happening. What do you do?
  8. What vehicles can you operate?
  9. Would you have any survivors assist you? If so, how many?
  10. You see a plane crash about half a mile away. What do you do?
  11. You see a horde of hundreds of zombies running toward you. You have a fully loaded assault rifle with a bullet capacity of 30 bullets per round and a grenade. What do you do?

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