zdoz youz knowz daft punk?z

okayzzzz doz youz knowz daft punk. i hope you doz ifz notz thenz youz tookz thez wrongz quizz.soz yeahz okayz soz justz takez thez quizz andz seez ifz youz goinz toz bez myz newz friendz { ifz youz passz thenz youz goinz toz bez myz newz friendz okayz.

okyaz wellz iz justz aboutz sumedz itz upz lastz paragraphz soz justz doz yourz bestz thesez arez toughz guestionz ifz youz arez notz a truez fanz butz if youz tookz timez toz readz thisz thenz youz arez a squarez causez nobodyz likez readinz 4z funz andz evenz ifz youz doz passz thisz quizz iz won'tz wantz to bez yourz friendz becausez iz ain'tz goinz toz bez doinz anyz readinz {squarz}

Created by: kiley

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. daft punk has how many members?
  2. daft punk is from ________?
  3. what genre is daft punk?
  4. what is not a daft punk song?
  5. if the year is 2020 what age is thomas?
  6. what year did daft punk begin their "mission to do something awesome"? {what year did the band start?}
  7. what album is a live album? {so frikin easy}
  8. what is one of daft punk'z influencez?
  9. on stage they always are dressed in_______ costumes
  10. do you know who daft punk is {not just from this quiz}?

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