Z-O-M-B-I-E-S roleplay

Disney's Z-O-M-B-I-E-S is about zombies and werewolves storming a human school! In this quiz, you'll discover what species you are, and maybe do some RP!

Whatever result you get, please notify me @SuicideYOLO, even though for this quiz I was signed out. I want to hear what species you are, and if you have any requests for another quiz I could make!

Created by: Yeety Homie Squid
  1. A zombie in your class accidentaly takes off their Z-band. What do you do?
  2. Your locker has werewolf-claw marks on it. Do you:
  3. You steal a werewolf necklace but it makes your Z-band malfunction. Your human friend is looking for you. Do you..
  4. Somebody steals your necklace but everybody in your pack can't find them. You...
  5. Your little sister meets a zombie and gets her a dog. The zombie is afraid of dogs. You...
  6. Who is your favorite character from the movies?
  7. Have you ever watched Descendants?
  8. Do you have a GoToQuiz account?
  9. Will you like or comment?
  10. bye

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