Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Exams Preformance Test

There are many smart people but apples taste better with bacon. dont you agree. pie is yummy. also cake is more delicious. Everything is much much much better bith eggs though.

cars are amazing. the way thay move. the color and the beautiful shape. I like hondas. i dont like toyota as much though. but what i would really like is a monster truck.

Created by: larrie
  1. Your opponent summons a lv twelve monster. He has no spell or trap cards, and an empty hand. What do you do?
  2. Your opponent has an empty field, except for one face down trap card. You do what?
  3. You have 200 lp on your turn. You...
  4. You have a hand of lv one cards. You..
  5. What is the color of fusion monsters?
  6. what color is the back of a normal yugioh card?
  7. who created yugioh
  8. what year was yugioh cards created
  9. Who is the main character of yugioh gx?
  10. Make sure you read everything after you get your results, it will tell you how to figure out your rank!

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