your personality

what is your personality?do you even know????this quiz will test who you are , are you nice or mean , dull or do you like adventure take this quiz and find out!!!!

do you have what it takes to challenge your personality , and all that you think you are , if you are than lets go on an adventure to test yourself!!!

Created by: swiftfire
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. why are you nice?
  2. why are you mean?
  3. why are you nerdy?
  4. why are you strange?
  5. if you are none of the listed , what are you?
  6. if so why are you dull?
  7. if so why are you angry?
  8. are you mean at least sometimes?
  9. are you nice sometimes?
  10. are you never nice or never mean?

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Quiz topic: My personality