what element r u

Here is a quiz that somewhat describes your personality.It tells you what you are like and what powers you would have if we could have them.Have fun!(the second paragraph has the same thing as this one.)

Have fun with this quiz.It should be fun ,but it could be dull,it was dull making:).Be happy with your results but if you're not take it again or stick with your result.

Created by: amanda
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is ur favorite thing 2 do?
  2. which do u like better?
  3. which do u like?
  4. is this quiz boring 2 u?
  5. when is ur birthday?
  6. what does ur name start with?
  7. which season do u like better?
  8. r u having fun?
  9. what color hair do u have?
  10. what color r ur eyes?

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