your future friend

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There are many people in the world without a friend or a friend who isnt nice or treats you like a slave but there is people with amazing friends like me i have hanna and summer and they are awesome

Do you have a friend like me or a friend that treats you like a horribly do you have the time to take this test and do you wonder what your frirnd will be like in the future well thanks to my guiz you will find out in a few minute Please rate atthe end

Created by: storm
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your personality
  2. Are you popular in school
  3. What do you like to do in your spare time
  4. Whats your dream job
  5. If you have a boy friend or girlfriend who will come first
  6. If you fell out with a friend what will you do
  7. Will you live in the same house if both single
  8. Will yous 2 be like sister or brothers and do everything together
  9. What is your favorite colour
  10. If you had plans after school and your friend got detention what will you do

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Quiz topic: My future friend