Your destiny is...

shamablama your fortune will be revealed REDY? when you take this quiz GOOOD luck thee. these fortunes will come true, many have taken it and their fortunes have come true

r u ready? shamalama shamalama take it if your ready shamalama shamalama Better luck YOU! my fortune came tru too when i took it, its really wierd

Created by: achoo poober mcnoober
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are u in your house?
  2. for the next 7 questons just click oe or the other.
  3. ^^^
  4. ^^^
  5. ^^^
  6. ^^^
  7. ^^^
  8. ^^^
  9. ^^^
  10. now, choose an animal

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Quiz topic: My destiny is...