you WILL DIE if you click this

i am not gong to tell you what this quiz is about because you will die if you take it so please for your own good do not click this unless you want to die ps~ never want to die

you fortunetly do not (and unfortunetly) will never ever ,, find out because you will die and you will get arrested because it is illegally illegallto

Created by: rabbit
  1. why did you click this?
  2. what is my favorite song?
  3. what is your fave coler?
  4. have i ever watcheed vsauce 2 or 3
  5. pick a letter
  6. do i like chicken
  7. bigfoots are cool
  8. what pet (or animal) would you have
  9. cot sounds like caught
  10. duck and butt have the same vomel sound
  11. finding bigfoot is the best show ever

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