you make the quiz

in this quiz you make the character,YOU make the scene and YOU pick the setting.its your choice.......hollie ann elizabeth southern arnold lovelace.....:)

my name is hollie ann elizabeth southern arnold lovelace..soooooo wow but i just needed somthing to type.ok so bye but i still dont have enough words and my initials are not giberish

Created by: eilloh
  1. ok you begin your story setting in...
  2. your character hair color looks like
  3. length of hair
  4. hair style
  5. eye color
  6. skin color
  7. height
  8. weight(not your weight the characters you decide)
  9. ok all of a sudden your character hears a HUGE explosion.what is it from?
  10. you are engulfed in the smoke and you here a voice saying.follow me you dont have much time!You are
  11. you somehow escape and standing nearbye there is a
  12. he/she says ive been wating to find you for a long time.this time you wont escape me.he/she raises her weapon when out of the blue comes a figure with a study the figure he/she is
  13. she/he raises her weapon leaps forward and stabs the other person in the heart.the other person falls dead an she/he says you need to get out of ask why?she/he shakes her/his head and says all will be explained later.but now we must leave.your not safe both start to leave when out of the mist comes a

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