Y8 structures of the eye - Mrs Holmyard

Today's lesson is about the structures of the eye and their functions. You will take this quiz at the start and at the end of the lesson to find out what you knew before and what you have learnt.

During the lesson, you will use a few different websites to learn the structures of the eye and you will also complete an eye dissection to test your knowledge of the anatomy of the eye.

Created by: Mrs Holmyard
  1. The lens of the eye...
  2. The blind spot is...
  3. The colourful shiny material at the back of an animal's eye is called the...
  4. Light bends...
  5. Rods and cones in the retina detect light and pass signals to the brain via...
  6. The eyeball is given its shape by the...
  7. The cornea is given its shape by the...
  8. The thick, white outer covering of the eye is called the...
  9. The coloured part of the eye is called the...
  10. These parts of the eye are all transparent:

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