WWII Weapons Quiz

There are many smart peo[le but few true geniuses, Genius is after all quite exceptional writing the paragraphs is so boring so anyone going 2 get black ops

Are YOU a genius thx 4 taking the quiz it has been fun making it hope you enjoyed it i know i did bye by bye b bak soon with more World War II quizes

Created by: Uknown
  1. Which of these is a Russian pistol
  2. Which of these is the standard issue american WWII weapon
  3. Which of these is most likely to be used by a Fallschirmjager
  4. What does B.A.R. stand for
  5. What is the other name for the gun B.A.R.(Browning Automatic Rifle)
  6. What is the full name of the MP44 Nazi Assault Rifle
  7. Which gun would a 91st Infantarie Nazi soldier normaly use
  8. Which of these is an American Bazooka
  9. What troops are in a 91st Infatarie squad
  10. The Canadians Polish French Resistance & British use these weapons but which country make them. The Weapons: Sten MKII, Bren Gun, Lee Enfield No.4, Lee Enfield No.4 Scoped)

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