Would you Survive the Oregon Trail?

This quiz will test your ability to pay attention when we did the Slide! You will find out if you will survive the oregon trail, and what you will be once you survive ( if you do) - IF YOU PUT IDK FOR ALL ANSWERS YOU WILL FAIL THE QUIZ -

If you get the final result, and you get you died, you got most of the questions wrong. If you get the one where it says you could be anything you want, you got most of the questions right.

Created by: Abby and Evie
  1. What was the Oregon Trail?
  2. Where did the Oregon Trail start?
  3. Did Oregon Country also included areas in the states of Washington, some parts of Idaho and Montana, and Oregon?
  4. When did the United States realize they didn't want to share the Oregon Country with Great Britain anymore?
  5. After they signed the treaty, did the United States have more or less land?
  6. Who came first on the Oregon Trail?
  7. How long was the Oregon Trail?
  8. What was the Oregon Trail used for?
  9. Was Canada a British colony?
  10. What did the treaty state (the one signed in 1818)
  11. Which of these is the proper use of the word Annex?
  12. What's a Treaty?

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