Would you survive Bethlem's Royal?

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This quiz is baced on my fanfiction for Hetalia. If you want to read, it's called Clockworks and I posted it on deviantart. now random words. word word word

Created by: Sarah
  1. Do you believe in th supernatural?
  2. Have you encoutered a spirit or a demon?
  3. What do you use to subdue spirits?
  4. Do you know and bible exorcisms?
  5. Do you scare easily?
  6. Do you (or others) consider yourself brave?
  7. Do you (or others) consider yourself cunning?
  8. Do you (or others) consider youself loyal?
  9. Do you (or others) consider yourself intelligent?
  10. Do you have any friends in which you would trust your life with?
  11. Do you have any friends in wich you would die for?
  12. Do you have any friends that would die for you?
  13. If your life was threatened, would you kill someone?
  14. If your life was threatened, would you kill a friend?
  15. If your life was threatened, would you kill a family member?
  16. What do you think matters more?
  17. If it was necessary, would you steal.
  18. Even if it ment that person would die.
  19. If you were attacked you would:

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