Would you survive a day with me?

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Take this quiz to find out if you would survive a day with me, you possible love for life. Ignore ( I need 10 questions) jbwwuiefb efhw8e iuewhfaw . esfh9ws

I love you. Ignore ( I need 10 questions) please take this quiz okay yesjust take it i dont care hurry lovfe hah bye hy ka . dhab . dkq uf wq jhdr zkews

Created by: cougar007
  1. You wake up, what is the first thing you do?
  2. Is today the day we hangout?
  3. What are you ordering at the restaurant?
  4. Does my age matter? (I'm over 60 xoxo)
  5. It's night...........what happens now?
  6. Ignore this
  7. Ignore ( I need 10 questions)
  8. Ignore ( I need 10 questions)
  9. Make sure to answer all! These last ones have no affect
  10. Ignore ( I need 10 questions)

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