Would you survive a alien attack

Would you survive a heart stopping thriller of coolness and awesomeness! Well guess what that isn't it! So go suck an egg! I mean have fun with your journey!

Would you survive a heart stopping thriller of coolness and awesomeness! Well guess what that isn't it! So go suck an orange! I mean have fun with your journey!

Created by: Whydouwannano?
  1. You hear there is an alien attack on the news. What do you do?
  2. 3 aliens come down on para-shoots. One has a crow bar one has a chain saw and one has a Medusa head. Which one do you shoot first.
  3. The alien king shows up and says" you fool humane I sent the aliens down to give you the chainsaw and medusa head and the crow bar NOW WE MUST START A WAR!" You.....
  4. An alien girl or boy ( a hot one) Comes and says be on my side! I am on yours. You....
  5. The alien with the chain saw comes up and gives you a million dollars. You....
  6. You are the last human on earth but your hiding place is surrounded by aliens. You....
  7. You loose an arm and you are dripping blood every where. And the aliens find your trail. You think its over when....
  8. The girl just happens to be carrying around a bandage and some water with food. She puts the bandage on your stub (the place where your arm is suppose to be). You ask.....
  9. She says" I helped you because no one helped me and you should be happy that I carry around water!" You see she is about 14.
  10. She doesn't seem to hear you but she tells you to duck down. You duck but she doesn't. She gets shot. You....
  11. AS you see every one died in the end but you. Well you might die if you didn't listen to her!

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