Would you REALLY like to be an animus in Wings of Fire?

This quiz will help you reveal the ever-nagging question: Would I survive in a world full of dragons, meanwhile containing the most powerful weapon a dragon can ever have, infinite magic?

Let's see whether you will be under the risk of losing your soul, fleeing, obeying, protecting yourself or even self-destructing yourself in such a destiny. Let's begin now, shall we?

Created by: Relizabetta
  1. Let's begin by one of the main parts of your life, you are born. You have a sibling, and they're a normal dragon. You find out you're an animus at the age of 3 years, when you accidentally enchant your rock friend to grow legs and act like a cat. What will you do?
  2. You and your sibling are sent to the JMA at the age of four. You're separated into different winglets, and barely meet each other in spare time.One night, you really wish you could get your pet rock back, whom you've lost long ago accidentally. Suddenly, the fireflies in the mason jar that were lightning up the scroll you've been reading, push up it's lid with unknown force and come to flatter around you. You giggle. Next actions?
  3. After realizing you hold the powers of destroying the entire universe with a snap of your talons in your blood, you get terrified. You find many scrolls about animus powers and begin reading them, and the least you can describe it with is that... your situation isn't very bright. You are afraid to ask others about their opinions, because you don't want to be deemed suspicious. What will you do?
  4. You decide to ask your sibling about your powers one day. They answer that animuses are definitely scary and go cray-cray as soon as they hit five. What will you do?
  5. Finally, the long-awaited moment has come. It is your fifth hatching day and your family comes to the mountain to congratulate you and your sibling. Everyone is there, your classmates and teachers, singing and dancing in your name, smiling and cheering you and your sibling on happily.You feel so happy you almost forget about everything, until you see something that leaves you at a life or death question. It is a dragonbite viper, and it's slowly slithering towards your friend's leg. Without thinking, you shout at it "STOP!" and it immediately stops. So is the whole crowd, but not because you enchanted them to, because they got confused by your roaring. Your friend flinches to leap away from the viper that almost bit their leg, but froze just in the moment of its fangs spread out and it's mouth open. What are you doing next?
  6. Your friend runs up to you and hugs you, tears in their eyes. "You're a hero!" They scream, hugging you even closer. Most dragons who realized what happened start cheering, clever teachers coming up to congratulate you, even your sibling. Your parents are slightly concerned however, and you notice so. What are you going to do next?
  7. You are now legally seven. You are invited to the queen's palace. She seems interested in your abilities, however you are reluctant to going there, since you suspect she is going to use your powers against you and others. You ask your sibling about their opinion, to which they answer: "You're an animus. You can literally spawn a mountain inside the queen's lungs if you want to! You're really afraid of a little dragon and her troops if she poses a threat to you?"What are you going to do now?
  8. You go. The queen surprises you with a friendly dinner, along with the most trusted guards of her kingdom, and a special guest. It appears she decided to help you, and make you understand your powers more. For that, she had specifically searched the whole of Pyrrhia for one of the last animuses that volunteered to help. She says that dragon will mentor you, and help you find an object you could enchant so that your "soul" won't be "sucked" away from you when you use your powers, and that if you agree, you will help her with anything she wants. Do you accept the offer?
  9. Your mentor teaches you everything there could ever be. You learn how to control your powers, make purple and green flames and the like, you have a whole closet of things you enchanted to be your helpers in everything, and now, that a year of training has passed, it is time you do your first enchantment for the queen. You get ready, practice a little bit more, get encouragement from your sibling and mentor, and go out to the main room. There are guests from all across Pyrrhia and Pantala, happily drinking and laughing. The queen is seated on the throne, and when she sees you, she calls the others to listen. She asks you to make her an immortal live beetle, transparent, made out of emerald. What do you do?
  10. It has been a couple decades. You grew into your power and became a trusted advisor of the queen. You and your sibling like to sip on tea and laugh about the old times when you couldn't understand what was happening to you. Life has been wild, but in the end, you don't regret it.

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