Would You Live Through A Zombie Outbrake???

Would you really live through a zombie outbreak find out here with this highly scientific quiz made by Dr. A Hubert. GHASIUGH SAIUHGIUF HGIKUSABGI UAGI UHAIF UGIFUHGIUAH SFUGIFA SHGUASUG HAUHGUHOA

Will you LIVE!!!! uhgfus gbowignosdk nglsanglkwnptgi nwrepgtnw roginrpi ghrign orei gnoerngoregnoer ngoeihgore ngooeingow iN 'ETFJEW; OGTIWREG;ORWEH GOERWHGOERGOERGPO ERJHGOIRWHG

Created by: Adam
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You wake up and go to get breakfast what do you choose?
  2. You hear a noise in the back garden, do you?
  3. Trying to Live you need a car what do you pick?
  4. In your Transport (even the Skate Board) there is a Stereo what Music do you put on?
  5. You see a Zombie in the Main road, What do you do?
  6. You get to the nearest gun shop, what gun do you pick?
  7. Now you have transport and a gun where would you go?
  8. When you get there you find your freinds are there in a huge group and are ok, do you...
  9. A zombie attacks your Best Freind since childhood at the same moment another attacks the guy/girl you Love, which zombie do you shoot 1st?
  10. The Army soon come in helicopters, do you?
  11. When you get away from the infected area and your having a shower you notice you were bitten, do you?

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