Would you live inside or outside

Some horses live inside a stall and get excersise during the day. Other horses live out in a pasture. It is up up to you and what works best for your horse.

If you were a horse would you live in an indoor stall or in a pasture outdoors. In this quiz it will ask you questions to see if you would live indoors or outdoors.

Created by: Hila4220
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you are a horse would you like to live in a herd or alone?
  2. You are a horse. You and your person are going exploring in the woods, you think...
  3. What is your idea of a perfect weekend activity?
  4. You would name an active bay pony...
  5. In a herd you are..
  6. Your favourite charity supports..
  7. You would never bye a...
  8. You could never live without...
  9. My fave shoes are...
  10. Your perfect riding friend(other than a horse) is

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